Beamline Usage Policy

Beamline Usage Policy

1. Every person who will use SIBYLS must be trained directly by SIBYLS staff.
2. Users may not operate equipment in the SIBYLS hutch for which they have not been trained.
3. If more then one person will be using the beamline over the course of the assigned time one spokesperson (the original proposal applicant by default) must be present during the entire shift.
4. The spokesperson may be changed by contacting Jane Tanamachi, up to one week in advance of beamtime.
5. If there are multiple shifts, the laboratory may name other people to act as spokesperson with the understanding that one person will always be responsible for each shift.
6. All users of the beamline must appear at the beginning of the shift for safety training. Please be considerate and be on time.
7. If you finish early please notify the beamline staff. Do not transfer or share your beamtime with another laboratory without prior approval from the SIBYLS beamline staff.
8. Be aware that the unique nature of the double endstation may require that the focus of the beam be changed at the beginning of your shift. For PX to SAXS transitions this can take up to two hours. For SAXS to PX transitions the process can take up to one hour. An additional hour may also be required to optimize the wavelength for your particular SAXS sample. This time will come out your shift.
9. Please inform beamline staff if you are planning SAXS experiments on a non-specific protease, DNase, or RNase. Separate equipment will be provided for these systems.
10. Please inform beamline staff well in advance if you have no experience collecting SAXS data so that accommodations can be made.
[SAXS Sample Preparation Instructions](