Genentech/Roche visits SIBYLS

A group of 17 scientists from Genentech/Roche visited SIBYLS in March 2023. The group was headed by Dr. Chun-wan Yen (second from left, front row), a Senior Principal Scientist with Genentech based in San Fransisco. They were given a tour of the ALS experimental ring, including a extensive tour of the SIBYLS SAXS beamline 12.3.1. SIBYLS is currently in collaboration with Dr. Yen and her group on lipid nanoparticles (LNPs), an effective carrier for the delivery of oligonucleotide therapeutics.
SIBYLS is a great resource for industry. Our group has collaborated on many exciting projects with a wide range of industrial groups, including Genentech, J&J and c4therapeutics.