Join us for our 15th Annual BioSAXS Workshop on August 14th

Learn how to get the most out of your SAXS data from experts in the field and tour the SIBYLS beamline at the Advanced Light Source.
During the workshop our beamline scientists will update you on the latest advances in SAXS with particular focus on advances in synchrotron scattering techniques, modeling of dynamic and flexible structures, BioSAXS with membrane protein, and integrating BioSAXS analysis within cryo-EM imaging and crystallography.
This a great opportunity to aquire skills from experts in the field of BioSAXS and Structural Biology, to share and get feedback on your own research with other scientists, and to be a part of the discussion on the future of BioSAXS and Structural Biology.
The workshop is being held as part of the 2024 ALS User Meeting. Go here for more information on the BioSAXS Workshop (you will need to scroll down the page).
When you register for the User Meeting, be sure to check the BioSAXS workshop.