7th DNA Repair/Replication Structures and Cancer Conference : 24 Feb 2026 – 28 Feb 2026 in Playa Mujeres, Mexico

Integrative Structural Biology conference: The 7th DNA Replication/Repair Structures & Cancer Conference (7th DRRSC) will bring together scientists to exchange cutting-edge structural findings and stimulate new ideas and approaches to address the critical challenges in mechanistic cancer research at the interface of DNA replication and repair. Recent breakthroughs in experimental structural methodologies (particularly cryo-electron microscopy, electron tomography, mass spectrometry, X-ray scattering, and single-molecule biophysical techniques) have enabled studies of increasingly complex and dynamic biological systems. These cutting-edge tools enable the integration of in vitro and in situ studies to reveal detailed mechanisms underpinning cellular processes. Furthermore, transformative advances in artificial intelligence (AI) and its expanding applications in structural and mechanistic investigations are driving efforts toward the integration of nanoscale structural data with mesoscale physiological outputs. These advances present game-changing opportunities to tackle increasingly complex and challenging scientific problems, while also requiring fresh approaches. Conference Chairs: John Tainer LBL, MDACC & Xiaodong Zhang Imperial College London.