10th annual SIBYLS BioSAXS workshop

Date: October 2 – 3, 2019
Location: Building 33 at Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory, Berkeley, CA
Building / ROOM : 33-306
This two-day workshop will cover frontiers in biological SAXS and will provide participants
with software tutorial sessions for biological SAXS in addition to hands-on training in experimental techniques.
The latest advances in SAXS studies on biological systems will be
discussed with a particular focus on dynamic and flexible structures in biomolecules,
membrane protein scattering, and complementary methods in crystals and in solution.
Updates on current developments of software for SAXS analysis and solution structure modeling will be illustrated.
The first day of the workshop will begin with a brief run-through on current updates.
Greg Hura and Michal Hammel, Berkeley Lab’s SAXS beamline scientists, will introduce the capabilities of the mail-in program at SIBYLS
and the future of high-throughput and SEC-SAXSat the SIBYLS Beamline.
Distinguished speakers will contribute to the basis of the workshop over the two days by sharing complementary experimental approaches and modeling techniques.
This will provide for a flux of ideas among workshop participants and inspire new perspectives for future data analysis.
The second day will be dedicated to practical hands-on exercises with experts in SAXS software for data processing
([SCATTER](http://bioisis.net/ “SCATTER”), [FrameSlice](https://bl1231.als.lbl.gov/ran “FrameSlice”) and [RAW](http://sourceforge.net/projects/bioxtasraw/ “RAW”),
[SAXS similarity maps](https://bl1231.als.lbl.gov/saxs_similarity/ “SSM”), modeling tools ([FOXS – MultiFoXS](https://modbase.compbio.ucsf.edu/foxs/ “FOXS”), [BILBOMD](https://bl1231.als.lbl.gov/bilbomd “BILBOMD”) and SAXS shape calculator).
Enrollment is limited to 30 participants.
Kathryn Burnett
Registration: Registration is now open. To attend the workshop you need to REGISTER for the 2019 [ALS user meeting](https://als.lbl.gov/user-meeting/ “ALS user meeting”). When you register, indicate that you plan to attend the “10th Annual SIBYLS bioSAXS Workshop”.
*October 2nd, 2019*
Building / ROOM : 33-306
Day 1: BioSAXS Workflow
8:30-8:40 Introduction to the SIBYLS team and Workshop Agenda (Hammel)
8:40 – 9:20 Key Note – Mark Glover (Uni. Alberta)
Building up an integrated picture of the dynamic DSB repair super complex, one component and interaction at a time
9:20 – 10 SAXS basics (G. Hura)
10 – 10:20 Break
10:20 – 12:20pm HT-SAXS, details of collection, getting intensity vs q (Burnett and Hura)
12:20 – 1:30 Lunch
1:30 – 2:30 SEC-SAXS-MALS, details of collection, getting intensity vs q (Hammel and Rosenberg)
2:30 – 3:00 ALS and beamline tour (SIBYLS team)
3:00 – 3:30 Analysis of SEC-SAXS-MALS (Hammel)
3:30- 3:50 Break
3:50 – 4:10 Ben Horst ( UC Berkeley) Allosteric activation of the NO receptor soluble guanylate cyclase revealed by cryo-EM and SAXS
4:10 – 4:30 Lauren Carter (University of Washington) De novo protein design validated by SAXS
4:30 – 4:45 Soumya Remesh (NCI) Functional Relevance of Interleukin-1 Receptor Inter-domain Flexibility for Cytokine Binding and Signaling
4:45 – 5 Curtis Hodge (LBNL) Functionalized Nanocage for Antibody Display
*October 3rd, 2019*
Day 2: Beyond Shapes with SAXS
8:30 – 9:15 HT-SAXS examples (Hura)
9:20 – 10 Special SEC-SAXS-MALS tools with RAW and Evolving SVD (Hammel)
10 – 10:20 Break
10:20 – 12:20pm User posed problem
12:20 – 1:30 Lunch
1:30 -2:00 SAXS modeling, BILBOMD, FoXS etc… (Hammel)
2:00-5:00 Hands on practical