Category: Announcements


Sample Centering with Google’s AutoML

SIBYLS beamline scientist, Scott Classen, collaborated with ScienceIT consultants Shawfeng Dong and Fengchen Liu to use AutoML machine learning for the LoopDHS project. As part of the effort, IT student intern Jordan Jung developed a training dataset for the model to improve the accuracy. These developments enabled Dr. Classen to develop loopDHS a custom software…
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SAXS workshop July 29, 2022

SIBYLS beamline scientist, Michal Hammel, will lead a workshop on Applications of Small Angle Scattering to Structural Biology at the 2022 ACA in Portland, Oregon on July 29th. Registration is now open.

SIBYLS makes cover of Antibody Therapeutics

Analyzing SAXS data collected at SIBYLS beamline 12.3.1, Michal Hammel determined the structural arrangement of the VH and VL domains in the COBRA™ (COnditional Bispecific Redirected Activation) T-cell engagers. The study showed that the structural arrangement of the domains in COBRA is different from the expected yet the stable fold is maintained. Findings provide insights…
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Postdoctural Fellow Opening

SIBYLS is excited to announce we have a biochemist postdoc fellow opening. This is a great opportunity to work with experienced and innovative scientists in the field of structural biology. We are looking for someone who wants to develop and apply biology for multi-component biological macromolecules. You will be a part of a team that…
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John Tainer

5th DNA Repair/Replication Structures and Cancer Conference

John Tainer, founder and PI of the SIBYLS group, now at MD Anderson Cancer Center, will be one of three chairs at the 5th DNA Repair/Replication Structures and Cancer Conference. The conference will focus on structural and mechanistic insights into dynamic complexes acting in DNA repair and its interface with replication, transcription and other cancer-relevant…
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SIBYLS installs new UHPLC system

SIBYLS has recently installed a new Agilent 1290 Infinity II LC system to enhance our SEC-SAXS capabilities with a high reliability and robustness, improving analytical, instrument, and laboratory efficiency. Features include more chromatographic resolution, higher peak capacity for challenging separations, lower carryover for uncompromised data quality, unique detection capabilities, faster injection cycles with dual needle…
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Save the date! SIBYLS will be holding a SAXS workshop during the ALS User meeting from August 25-27, 2020. Details about the workshop coming soon. You can find general information about the User Meeting on the ALS website.

New Webapp for merging SAXS data

  SIBYLS is pleased to announce SAXS Frameslice, a new Webapp for merging frame sliced SAXS data. The Webapp was designed by Dave Shin with the purpose of improving your SAXS calculations by averaging the intensities of different regions of your data from multiple images of the same sample. With this Webapp you can: –…
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