Category: Announcements

SIBYLS makes cover of Biochemistry

Anaerobic SEC-MALS-SAXS at the SIBYLS beamline of the Advanced Light Source probes the conformational states behind electron bifurcation in the Thermotoga maritima EtfABCX, revealing insights on mechanisms at the thermodynamic limits of life. Shown are the bifurcation- and electron-conducting-like states experimentally observed for the first time in solution. View the article.

6th DNA Repair/Replication Structures and Cancer Conference 14 Feb 2024 – 18 Feb 2024 Cancun, Mexico

For X-ray scattering and other structures in the areas of DNA replication, repair, and cancer biology, this is your last opportunity to apply to join the 6th DNA Repair/Replication Structures and Cancer Conference (DRRSC) chaired by John Tainer and Xiaodong Zhang. The conference focuses on mechanisms and structures including dynamic states. This is a biannual conference in Cancun 14…
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Accurate computational design of three-dimensional protein crystals

Using small angle x-ray scattering data collected at the SIBYLS beamline and a computer-based approach, researchers designed porous protein crystals that were revealed to be stable, tunable, and atomically accurate. The work provides a powerful new platform for biological materials engineering and opens up wide applications in biotechnology and medicine. Read more here.

Congratulations to Greg and Susan!

We are pleased to announce that SIBYLS scientists, Greg Hura and Susan Tsutakawa, have been officially appointed to high-level positions within the Biosciences Molecular Biophysics and Integrated Bioimaging (MBIB) Division. Greg Hura will assume the role of MBIB Science Deputy while Susan Tsutakawa will take on Head of Structual Biology within the MBIB division. Go…
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Postdoc opportunity at SIBYLS

SIBYLS is looking for a motivated Postdoc to contribute to groundbreaking work in bioenergy, bioremediation, and disease research. You will be at the forefront of transformative research using synchrotron tools capable of measurements that span from electronic states to biological tissue. If you or someone you know might be interested, click on this link to…
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SIBYLS Postdoc, Dan Murray, to speak at workshop

Dan will be giving a talk on Conformational equilibria underlying electron bifurcation in Thermotoga maritima Fix/EtfABCX at the Neutron Scattering and Electrochemistry Workshop taking place at Oak Ridge National Laboratory on Aug 30 – 31. Here is a sneak preview of one of the slides… Go here for a preview of Dan’s talk.

RAD51C-XRCC3 structure and cancer patient mutations define DNA replication roles

In this study, the authors present structures and functional analyses for the RAD51C-XRCC3 tumor suppressor complex, providing insights into recurrent mutations in cancer and Fanconi Anemia patients that uncover distinct DNA replication fork protection, restart and reversal regions. The publication was highlighted as a Featured Article by Nature Communications. Structural data for this publication were…
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BioSAXS Workshop on Sept. 11th

Join us for a 1-day virtual BioSAXS workshop on September 11, 2023. We will have interactive tutorials on SAXS data analysis given by our beamline scientists, Greg Hura and Scott Classen, along with expert talks on SAXS data analysis and utilizing SAXS data in research. You will also have the opportunity to hear about our…
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